Looney Tunes Plucky Duck - Cartoon Pictures - Pictures
Ahh Tiny Toons. Pretty much anyone my age grew up with this show and many consider it to be one of the last great cartoons out there with its slapstick comedy and occasional adult humor. Who hasn't heard of it? It was a great show for its time and is still considered a classic to this day. The show had great jokes, awesome antics and colorful characters. There have been many blogs and sites dedicated to this cartoon, so you may wonder why there needs to be another one. Because this blog isn't about the cartoon in general or some generic information guide. This blog is about one particular character from the show and how he is grossly misportrayed by the show's other characters and the majority of the fandom.
I am, of course, talking about Plucky Duck. Most sources and characters in the show will lead you to believe he is egotistical, stupid, rude and selfish among other things. This actually isn't the case. If you watch the show and really pay attention, you'll notice he is actually very honest (an endearing quality), extremely talented beyond what the main characters can come up with and willing to go the extra mile for his fans, but most of all, a victim of severe bullying, mostly by the two main characters Buster and Babs Bunny.
Plucky is actually an upstanding individual especially when compared to Buster and Babs. He has a tendency to act first and think later, which is a major flaw for him, but he feels remorse when he does the wrong thing where as the two main bunnies do not. For example, in an episode called "Sticky Fingers Duck," Plucky and Hamton do the wrong thing and steal a bar of candy from the store. The entire episode is then devoted to how remorseful and terrible both feel about the situation and in the end, they give the candy bar back. Yet in an episode called "Lifestyle of the Rich and Rotten" Buster and Babs steal money from Montana Max who carelessly drops it, on his own property, while chasing Arnold around. They show no remorse for this and instead talk about buying an ice cream store with it. Some might argue this was okay because Montana Max screwed them over by saying he would do an interview with them and then backing out at the last moment. However the entire episode was about them tormenting Max endlessly so they could get their revenge on him. Max is a rich selfish jerk, but the money is still his. They had no right to steal money from him.
In another episode "Plucky's Dastardly Deed," Plucky cheats on a test, and once again, we're given an episode filled with him feeling awful about what he had done. In the end, he decides to confess about cheating, but the class has to retake the test anyway and he takes the test honestly. Yet on the flipside, in an episode entitled "Loon Lake" Babs helps Shirley cheat her way through a dance recital with some swans even laughing maniacally while she's doing so. This was due to the swans mistreating Shirley. The swans had no right to mistreat Shirley, but Shirley proving that she was the best by doing her best and out shining them would have been a much better out come.
In this blog we'll look at several examples like those provided above and compare and contrast Plucky with the other characters, mainly Buster and Babs. So stay tuned as we present the true story of Plucky Duck.
(and don't get all srs bsns on my ass, I'm just having fun here =P)
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